Minutes for the March 2020 meeting

Minutes for the March 2020 Meeting

-Call to order at 6:00

-Pledge of Allegiance

-Minutes of the February meeting were read by President Greunke and approved as read.

-Treasurer’s report was given by Roy.  We have money.

-Correspondence was read.  (Letter from the MDA thanking the Branch for Holiday Party donation)


-Food Drive was discussed.  Juve will reach out to 97.7 Radio in Omaha about advertising for the Drive.

There will be no brown sacks in our stations this year.    Brian will check with HyVee about getting some sacks for next year.  Brian and Lori Yuan will book some time to do the local radio spot for the food drive.


-Motion by Cody, 2nd by Rocky to pay up to $75 for extra food drive posters.  MOITON PASSED

-Motion by Rocky, 2nd by Juve to reimburse Jenny Cox $183.88 for baskets and gifts for last month’s RAP Session in Kansas.   MOTION PASSED

-Motion by Kim, 2nd by Juve to pay Rocky $25/ hour for 2 hours and mileage at the government rate for a station visit to Wahoo about a possible grievance.   MOTION PASSED

-Motion by Cody, 2nd by Juve to authorize Cody or Kim to purchase Microsoft Office for the new Branch computer not to exceed $175.    MOTION PASSED

-Motion by Rocky, 2nd by Cody to subscribe to the OWH for a year in Fremont.  MOTION PASSED


-Rocky went to Wahoo to investigate.  Nothing filed.  Hope that a 271-G is filed by a carrier in that Station.  More to come.

-Labor management meeting in Fremont.  Several items on the agenda were discussed during the 2 hour meeting.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brian Greunke, President and fill in Vice President/Recording Secretary


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